Did anyone catch in my blog about Diminishing Returns how I said we need to change our clothes to get bigger gains too?
I wasn’t joking. I also do not know if this is true. Do I care? Nope. Do I want new workout clothes? Yep.
Don’t you ever buy that new sports bra and imagine yourself in the perfect vrksasana pose?! That’s tree pose for those of you who don’t know. Which I also didn’t know until I Pinterested ‘yoga pose names’ 5 seconds ago as my research for this article. Impressive and credible, I know.
But seriously, we make vision boards, and dream pinterest pages, and bullet journal our whole life about what we want to do and be and see. I have a strong belief that clothes play in to this image of our perfect self.
If it takes you a new top to try out that yoga class you’ve always wanted to try or buying a pair of cycling shoes to make sure you look uber experienced in your next class, go for it! Just remember - the law of diminishing returns may* apply here too. If you see the perfect sports bra and decide you need one in every color because you promise to go to Zumba 5 days a week next week - that may be a tad overwhelming and unrealistic. And a bit pricey too…
But go for the splurge on new workout attire here and there! Keep your wardrobe fresh, new, and exciting. Just like your fitness regimen. Never dull, always trying something new.
*I say may so that I can’t receive backlash when people see me at Target buying one too many sports bras. If I am writing about workout clothes already, you can just assume that I am addicted.